My name is Quoc Hung TRAN. I am a final year student in Computer Science at Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France.

I have experience in Qt and C++ after taking a course in Object Oriented Programming in 2021 . During this course, I had been developing a Reverse Polish Notation Calculator application by using Qt:

From February 2021, I had the chance to work with Gilles Caulier (digiKam coordinator and lead developer) as his intern, at Institut sur la Recherche pour la Fusion Magnétique (IRFM) of Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA). In this internship, I Implemented and migrated a data acquisition diagnosis software application to targeted platform Linux 64 bits using Qt / C++ / Cmake and presented with success the project to the university. Thanks to this occasion, I have learned a lot from Gilles, which helps me advance in my programming skills.

For the last few months, I contributed patches to digiKam core which related to the MJPEG Plugin which starts an MJPEG server, and depending on the selection of photo albums made in the configuration dialog box, it streams the images one after another. Multiple users can view the live stream with a browser by specifying the URL address and port. I have implemented OSD (On-screen display) management which displays lots of background information of images.


I also implemented a contextual menu with the action “Copy” to be able to copy and paste the several uploaded Urls selected to ImgUR web service with the clipboard.


Finally, for the porting to Qt6, I have contributed new APIs in order to import GPX tracks files.
